What Is Stopping Your Garage Door from Working Efficiently? Discover Our Expert Repair Work Solutions!


What Is Stopping Your Garage Door from Working Efficiently? Discover Our Expert Repair Work Solutions!

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The best type of lubricant is either a lithium grease or a silicone spray. A lithium grease product will form a moisture-reducing barrier and protect against friction. A silicone spray will have these qualities and will also help protect the components of your garage door.

Springs are some of the most complex aspects of installing a garage door that are difficult to handle, especially if you don't have the right tools to make the garage door installation easier. To minimize the chances of accidents, you should have at least two people to assist with the installation of the garage door. Feb 25, 2017

It's very important not to attempt major garage door repairs on your own, as they can lead to property damage, injuries, or even death.

USE SILICONE BASED LUBRICANT ONLY If your rollers have black or white nylon rollers, do not spray the tires with lubricant. Lubricate the roller shafts only. Feb 20, 2017